Broadridge Financial

Dumpling: Next generation digital asset wallet application

A centralized gateway to the decentralized digital asset ecosystem

Product Design
Mobile Web
UI Screens, UX Flow and Prototype
Dumpling: Next generation digital asset wallet application

Project overview

The decentralized nature of blockchain, while powerful, creates a fragmented user experience. Investors face the hassle of using multiple digital wallets to manage and transact with different assets. In addition, existing tools don't allow investors to easily share their crypto investments with financial advisors, accountants, or family members hindering transparency and collaboration. Dumpling has been created to tackle these challenges faced by digital asset investors. The innovative, unified platform allows investors to view, manage, share and transact across all digital wallets.


Dumpling was creating using the Design Thinking methodology. This methodology is a way of taking the processes and approaches that designers use and apply them to problems that designers don't typically encounter.

Research Interviews


In order to identify the problem, 12 qualitative 1:1 interviews focusing on ideation with digital asset investors representing different user personas.


An initial survey distributed to 300+ investors to explore product concept and direction.

Persona Creation

Based upon the research interviews, personas were identified that describe why people do what they do. These personas put the user at the center. By creating fictional characters that represent real users, everyone involved in the product creation can understand their needs, motivations, and challenges throughout the entire design process.

2 primary and 1 secondary personas were identified
Primary Persona: The Enthusiast
Primary Persona: The Amateur
Secondary Persona: The Beginner


The entire team, from product owners to developers, came together to brainstorm ideas for the application. We embraced the motto: 'No idea is a bad idea!'


Creativity took center stage in the ideation phase and the team focused on generating a wide range of solutions to the identified problem.


Low-fidelity prototypes, or "paper prototypes" were created to quickly test core functionalities and user flows. This cost-effective approach allowed us to gather valuable feedback early and often, before diving into high-fidelity digital prototypes.


A quick low-fidelity prototype was created in Figma to quickly gather user insights and iterate early. This streamlined approach ensured we were on the right track before investing in high-fidelity mockups.

Identity Creation

This phase is where the magic happened! The brand strategy was transformed into a tangible identity, including a captivating logo, color palette, typography, and most importantly, the overall brand personality.

The App

An intuitive carousel guides investors through the app's value proposition, creating an engaging onboarding experience
These high-fidelity screens represent the final stage of a meticulous design process. User research, prototyping, and rigorous testing all came together to create this polished user experience


The application is currently in the pre-launch phase. While the application hasn't officially launched yet, the design process has yielded valuable insights and a strong foundation for success.

Let’s make something amazing together!

I'm always eager to tackle new design challenges and to collaborate with passionate individuals. If you're looking for a hands-on UX leader to guide your team and to bring your vision to life, I'm your guy!

Background - Designer Webflow Template