Broadridge Financial

Goal Path: FA curated experience

Collaborative tool that empowers Financial Advisors and investors to set and achieve financial goals.

Product Design
Responsive web, Email
Pixel-perfect screen designs, prototype
Goal Path: FA curated experience

Project overview

The FA Curated Experience emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic, a time when face-to-face meetings were impossible. This innovative concept, initially created for a large investment bank, facilitated collaboration between financial advisors and potential investors through a virtual platform.


The experience begins with a personalized email from the financial advisor explaining that the completion of a brief questionnaire will help to understand the clients unique goals and aspirations. This direct connection from an advisor vs. the investment bank sets the stage for the personalized collaborative journey towards achieving future goals.

Note: To protect client confidentiality, the following screens are displayed with the fictitious brand name, Hextone.

A strong call-to-action drives the investor to fill out a brief profile questionnaire which will help define the goals that the plan will be based upon.

The experience utilizes a visually engaging profile questionnaire with as few steps as possible, making the setting of financial goals a breeze.

A clear "thank you" awaits after reviewing and submitting. The page goes a step further, offering a sample investment plan preview. This provides valuable insight into how the goals translate into a personalized strategy.

Once the financial advisor completes an initial plan, an email is generated requesting to schedule a personalized review meeting to discuss the plan.

The investment plan is a co-browsing environment that allows the financial advisor and client to interact with the page simultaneously, in real-time. The plan goes beyond simply outlining the goals. It provides a clear and concise visualization of the focus areas, and how the adjustment of different factors can impact the financial journey.


The FA Curated Experience was presented to the investment bank and received rave reviews. This innovative solution not only succeeded in displaying virtual collaboration, but it also showcased Broadridge's commitment to client success, leading to a significant increase in client engagements and additional sales opportunities.

Let’s make something amazing together!

I'm always eager to tackle new design challenges and to collaborate with passionate individuals. If you're looking for a hands-on UX leader to guide your team and to bring your vision to life, I'm your guy!

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