Broadridge Financial

Live Communications: Interactive investment account summary

A groundbreaking approach for investors to receive and understand their account statements.

Project Design
Responsive web, Email
Pixel-perfect screen designs, prototypes
Live Communications: Interactive investment account summary

Project overview

Imagine this: you receive an email notification stating, "Your statement is available"  Excited to review your performance, you're instructed on how to find your statement on your brokerage website or app. Assuming you know your credentials (which about 25% of investors don't), you're met with yet another hurdle - navigating to a PDF document formatted for print, not intended for online viewing, especially on a mobile device.  This cumbersome process is the reality for many investors when it comes to accessing their account statements.

Sample of typical account statement notification email

With our Interactive Investment Account Summary, key investment information is received upfront, presented in a clear and engaging format.  Want to delve deeper?  The summary seamlessly transitions to the full interactive statement, offering a whole new way to analyze and understand the holdings, transactions and other account data.


A more engaging email experience

Instead of the non-compelling "statement now available" email, the communication has been reimagined from the investors perspective. Without showing PII (Personally Identifiable Information), included is information that will better inform the investor as to what's occurred in their account.

Note: To protect client confidentiality, the following screens are displayed with the fictitious brand name, Hextone.

A visually impactful hero area contains a personalized message, net change percentage, and a strong call-to-action to view the interactive summary.

Investors looking for more information can scroll down where they discover their annual percentage change in the form of a percentage. A breakdown of all assets within the account is displayed as a donut chart, also showing the allocations in percentage format.

To keep things simple and informative, the statement period transactions are displayed in a matrix containing an activity counter.

The interactive summary

After secure mobile or email authentication, investors unlock the dynamic new experience. A responsive interactive communication page brings data to life with engaging widgets, empowering investors to explore their statements in a whole new way. Modules that were initially presented in the email experience containing percentage data now display actual values.

PDF statements are still available for download in order to satisfy regulatory requirements, but because print stylesheets are utilized, clean and focused documents are generated that are easy to read and formatted perfectly for print.


We launched a pilot program exclusively with a leading brokerage firm, targeting their high-net-worth investor base and the results were a resounding success, exceeding all user engagement expectations.

Preferred by 100%

All of the participants surveyed preferred the new statement solution, indicating a clear preference for the platform's communication style

12X engagement

According to metrics, the interactive statements were accessed at a rate over 12 times higher than the previous method, showcasing a strong desire for a more engaging experience.

These results demonstrate a clear interest in our solution and its ability to improve the investor experience.

Let’s make something amazing together!

I'm always eager to tackle new design challenges and to collaborate with passionate individuals. If you're looking for a hands-on UX leader to guide your team and to bring your vision to life, I'm your guy!

Background - Designer Webflow Template